Tag: Sage Canaday Hansons

Trying New Things
February 6th, 2013: “Tryin’ New Stuffs” So after Bandera I was pretty messed up. I mean my shin was swollen so much that I couldn’t see the ankle bones on my left leg! I figured out I had anterior tibialis tendonitis pretty bad so I decided to actually take a break from running for 14 […]

UROC 100km and Epic Training Bonk
Epic Training Bonk, European Travel Bugs, and the UROC 100k First off, I’m proud to announce that my new footwear and apparel sponsor will be Scott Sports. Honestly I had never heard of the brand until a couple months ago, but they have quite an extensive footwear line for road racing, trail/ultra running and mountain running. […]

The View Is Worth The Climb
“Hills are your friend.” My dad used to always say this to me before races and difficult training sessions that involved rolling terrain. Several years of racing cross country, marathons, (and now trail ultras), I hear that statement as positive self talk in my mind, although it is slightly modified to “Uphills are your friend.” […]

Chuckanut 50k: Lessons learned in my first ultra
“I guess I didn’t get the memo: Nobody stops at the aid stations,” I mention to Max King as we climb up a dirt-trail about 7 miles into the Chuckanut 50k trail race. “Not this year,” Max implies that the high-level of competition meant that all the top runners were going to shave seconds whenever […]

Pre-Olympic Marathon Trials Musings
The following is a blog post by Sage that was featured on the running website Flotrack.org and mentioned on Runner’s World Racing News online in December 2011. “Give and Receive” I have a love-hate relationship with Distance Running. Honestly, our Facebook status currently reads “in An Open Civil Union,” which is a pretty accurate description of […]
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