Tag: Sage Canady

2014 Tarawera 100km Training and updates
I took a week totally off after the Carlsbad Marathon on Jaunary 19th. This has pretty much been my standard recovery time frame for any race…marathon to ultra marathon. Next up will be the Tarawera 100km followed by the Northburn Race ultra trail race (I’m only doing 50km) in New Zealand! A lot of people and […]

Fat as a Fuel in Marathons and Ultra Marathons
First of all, I want to thank everyone for their positive comments and support of this blog. I really appreciate your support. Without your following and feedback none of this would be possible. In a way to hopefully add something constructive to the running community I’ve started up doing more “Training Talks” on my YouTube […]

New Innovative Products at Ultimate Direction
Yes I’m sponsored by Ultimate Direction (and yes, this is a blatant product plug). – However, this is to celebrate the launch of new innovative products coming out of a local Boulder, CO Company that is committed to supporting mountain-ultra-trail (and even road!) runners at every level. They have helped support me and my dreams […]

Marathon Speed Training for Ultramarathoners
I’ve been doing some informatvie (at least I hope they are informative), “Training Talk” videos on my YouTube channel, Vo2maxProductions. Here is the latest Training Talk (it’s quite long), where I rant about how marathon speed training can help ultra marathon performance – AND how to move up to an ultra if you’ve already been […]
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