Tag: the rut 50k

Sage Canaday: The RUT 50km Race Report
Going Exponential It’s been 3 days since The Rut 50km SkyRunning Ultra Series Championships and my quads are tender to the touch. The only moving I’ve been doing lately consists of a weak hobble between the bedroom, the bathroom and the kitchen. This is the kind of rebellion that the body dishes out after […]

Vo2max Productions Training Talk Thursdays
Hi there! Hope your late summer/early fall training and racing are going well? I just wanted to let you know that I am looking to start a consistent YouTube video series called “Training Talk Thursdays” on my YouTube channel, Vo2max Productions. Here is my first one on the Periodization of Marathon Training: [youtube]http://youtu.be/-GCav6lnkV8[/youtube] If you SUBSCRIBE to […]
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