Tag: marathon to ultra

Training Week: May 19-25, 2013: Cayuga Trails 50 prep
Training Week: May 19th to May 25th, 2013. After taking a couple days off after the Transvulcania ultra (followed by a relatively low mileage week), I put in one of my best weeks of training so far this year. I’ve only just began to track vertical gain for each training week, but I think […]

UROC 100km and Epic Training Bonk
Epic Training Bonk, European Travel Bugs, and the UROC 100k First off, I’m proud to announce that my new footwear and apparel sponsor will be Scott Sports. Honestly I had never heard of the brand until a couple months ago, but they have quite an extensive footwear line for road racing, trail/ultra running and mountain running. […]

The Mountains Beckon
The Mountains Beckon June 2012 “…I went to the woods [mountains] because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived…” -excerpt from Walden: 2. “Where I Lived and […]

From The Trials to The Trails
The following is a blog post I wrote for Flotrail.org (new site launching this month on trail running) on March 8th, 2012: “You seem like a mudder.” The words of my high school cross country coach always came to mind when I toed the starting line at the Oregon high school state cross country meet […]
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