Tag: ultra marathon

Western States 100 Mile Race Report (2016)
Well, I finally completed the 100-mile distance! It was rough, it was raw, and it stripped me to my core…but I gutted out the full distance in a 17 hours, 16-minutes at the 2016 Western States 100 Endurance Run. In short, the race was my worst ultra race performance in my career. I laid down […]

Mistakes I made training Myself for the Marathon
Mistakes I made training Myself for the Marathon (and future Training/Racing considerations) So I failed by 12 seconds. As most of you know by now, I’m not toeing the line at the 2016 US Olympic Marathon Trials next weekend. This goal of mine, to qualify for what would have been my 3rd Olympic Marathon […]

Vo2max Productions Training Talk Thursdays
Hi there! Hope your late summer/early fall training and racing are going well? I just wanted to let you know that I am looking to start a consistent YouTube video series called “Training Talk Thursdays” on my YouTube channel, Vo2max Productions. Here is my first one on the Periodization of Marathon Training: [youtube]http://youtu.be/-GCav6lnkV8[/youtube] If you SUBSCRIBE to […]

Need More Vert! Transvulcania Race Report
Need More Vert! Transvulcania Race Report I need more vert! Two days before the Transvulcania Ultramarathon on the volcano island of La Palma I suddenly feared my training this whole year had been totally inadequate. Looking up at the sheer vertical slopes leading up from the beach at sea level to the top of the […]
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