Tag: Olympic Marathon Trials 2012

Trying New Things
February 6th, 2013: “Tryin’ New Stuffs” So after Bandera I was pretty messed up. I mean my shin was swollen so much that I couldn’t see the ankle bones on my left leg! I figured out I had anterior tibialis tendonitis pretty bad so I decided to actually take a break from running for 14 […]

A Fall Towards Better Perspectives
“All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and to, and why.” -James Thurber A Fall Towards Better Perspectives (11/6/12): I’ve been feeling pretty selfish lately. Running is one of those activities where you can tend to focus a lot on yourself. Sometimes athletes can get some pretty distorted […]

Mt. Washington Race Recap
Mt. Washington Race Recap: 6/21/12 My decision to move to Boulder to train at altitude in the mountains became more solidified after this past weekend. I’m not sure if my red blood cell count had actually increased, but when I took the lead about 2.5 miles into the 2012 Mt. Washington road race last […]

The Mountains Beckon
The Mountains Beckon June 2012 “…I went to the woods [mountains] because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived…” -excerpt from Walden: 2. “Where I Lived and […]

The View Is Worth The Climb
“Hills are your friend.” My dad used to always say this to me before races and difficult training sessions that involved rolling terrain. Several years of racing cross country, marathons, (and now trail ultras), I hear that statement as positive self talk in my mind, although it is slightly modified to “Uphills are your friend.” […]
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