Tag: ultimate direction

Summer MUT Running and Healthy Eating
Sandi and I try to eat pretty healthy…most of the time. She has a great nearly vegan, gluten-free diet that’s low in refined sugars….whereas sometimes I stray (we all have our vices, right?) and have a bit too much Avery beer…and cheese…and chocolate…and ice cream. What we’ve been eating: […]

Tarawera Ultra Marathon Race Report
Kia Ora! Running in New Zealand has been a surreal experience. Having the opportunity to race a world-class field in such a wonderful country is one major reason why I do this sport. I realize that such distant travel is a luxury and a privilege and it’s not something that I take for granted. I’ve […]

New Innovative Products at Ultimate Direction
Yes I’m sponsored by Ultimate Direction (and yes, this is a blatant product plug). – However, this is to celebrate the launch of new innovative products coming out of a local Boulder, CO Company that is committed to supporting mountain-ultra-trail (and even road!) runners at every level. They have helped support me and my dreams […]

Lake Sonoma 50: An Unsustainable Pace
“This pace is unsustainable.” My inner voice repeated this over and over as Chris Vargo and I split a couple sub 7-min miles about 15 miles into the Lake Sonoma 50. We were on a gorgeous, rolling single-track complete with water crossings, lake views, forests and meadows. I knew after the first aid station 11.5 […]
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