Tag: sage cannaday blog

UROC 100km Race Report: “Just Finish”
I’ve never wanted to quit so bad in my life. At 10,600’ on the top of Vail Pass, and 33 miles into the race, I was leading the UROC 100km. But I had worked way too hard to get to that point. A fierce pack of world-class mountain-ultra-trail runners were right behind me: Rob Krar, […]

Boulder Flood: Sept. 12th-15th, 2013
I finally saw the apartments below us. Abandoned with their doors open, each room had its carpet ripped out. On Thursday night (9/12/13), A wall of water had somehow made it’s way across highway 36 and turned our parking lot into a river within a matter of minutes. We worried our cars might float away. […]
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