Trying New Things
February 6th, 2013: “Tryin’ New Stuffs”
So after Bandera I was pretty messed up. I mean my shin was swollen so much that I couldn’t see the ankle bones on my left leg! I figured out I had anterior tibialis tendonitis pretty bad so I decided to actually take a break from running for 14 whole days. I would usually take some days off from running after racing any distance from 26.2 to 62 miles of course, but this was a pretty long break for me (sometimes it takes more discipline to hold back and NOT run). Anyway, I rant a little bit more about that in my video log entry:
During my break I did some brand new things:
1. Rode a road bike for the first-time (even took it up Flagstaff road):
2. Went cross country skiing for the first-time:
3. And (thanks to the inspiration of my girlfriend, Sandi Nypaver) I even did a snowhoe race:
But now I am back to running again and the shin pain is gone (knock on wood!). I ran about 35 miles my first week back last week and this week I plan to put in about 60.
Here are a few of my first runs back:
Running with my girlfriend at 8,000 feet:
A Run up “Bear Peak” in Boulder
So now I’m looking to ramp up to 100 miles a week in prep for my next race: The Tarawera 100km in New Zealand! I’m so thankful to be able to travel to this race and compete against some of the the world’s best ultra runners.
Here’s what the race looked like last year:
I am very excited and honored to be a part of the elite field in this race (and it will probably be the most epic 100km in the world this year!). Here are a few of the entries.
Thanks for following and best of luck with your training and racing!
See you on the trails,
Category: blog
Sage…in the latest issue of Ultrarunning your awesome performance at Bandera is featured and you are wearing a gel/supply belt in the photos. This is the second time I have seen that belt and have been trying to find it for almost a year but can not identify it. Can you tell me what the belt is? I need one for Umstead and that one looks perfect for what I need. Thanks!! -Nate
A video on periodization for ultrarunning, particularly 50m or 100m would be very helpful. For the ever-growing number of ultrarunners out there, many seem to be self-coached and unfamiliar with periodization and it’s benefits, short-term and long-term.
Hey Sammy,
Thanks for your message! I don’t know very much about running 100-milers and they are totally different so I’m not really qualified to talk much about those. 50 miles to 100km though, I would say periodization is important…If I get enough feedback on YouTube about that kind of topic, I’ll cover it for sure!
Thanks Nate! – it’s the Jurek Endure collection from Ultimate Direction (probably will hit the market in about a month).
Sage – Thanks for posting the video; it’s very informative. I had a couple of questions… Did you use any heat on the shin while it was healing or just the ice? How soon after you started back were you doing runs in the 15-20 mile range? Thanks again!
I probably should’ve used heat as well. The excercises seemed to help the most with correcting the shin. It was a good 2 weeks before I did any long runs like that and I kept the pace pretty conservative. Good luck!