Training Week: August 25-31, 2013
I’ve been training with a focus on the UROC 100km coming up in just 4 weeks. After my disastrous run at Sierre-Zinal I am very hungry to redeem myself with a solid race in this upcoming SkyRunning Ultra Series World Final. As mentioned earlier this will be the first time I have “home-course” advantage. I have the luxury of training on the course and feeling the trails and mountains…I have no excuses! The following is my latest week in training. Originally when I wrote my training plan I was supposed to hit 110 miles this week. However, I’ll take the new PR in vertical and lower mileage as I still have my health! (never to be taken for granted).
Now before the training talk I’m proud to announce that I’ve also joined the local USATF group/club Team Colorado.
Thanks for the local support!
Training Week:
Longish: Ran/scrambled in the mountains with Dan for a little over 6hrs. Got up to Isolation Peak (13,100’) from Wild Basin outside of Allenspark. Started off as a runnable trail the first 4-5 and last 3 miles or so. Ran a steady pace. Then cutting off-trail and doing a little climbing/route finding on rocks!
17 miles, 5531’ vert., 6hrs

On top of Mahana Peak. (Isolation Peak on the upper right where we came from). Photo credit: Dan Gorman
Easy 11 miles on S. Boulder trails. 1hr 20min, 390’ vert.
Longish: 17.5 miles. Started off with 3 miles of pavement up to Chaut. Park then ran up Green Mtn on Amp (my least favorite route but steepest and most direct). Then headed over to Bear via the West Ridge and a quick descent down Fern Canyon (which is also my least favorite descent). Back on Mesa trail. Steady effort, 2 gels, 20oz in Ultimate Direction handheld (refilled with H20 at Chaut as it was HOT!).
4321’ vert., 2hrs 45min
Easy 10 miles S. Boulder trails. 390’ vert., 70min
Longs Peak via Keyhole Route (3:12 RT). Started too late as the parking lot was just about full with around 100 people and it was actually sunny/hot out. Ran up to the Keyhole pretty hard to split 1:13. Wanted Krupicka’s ascent record but fell short due to my turtle-like progress on the ledges and narrows (there was some water and lots of people to pass!…plus I’m scared of heights and am not a climber by any means). It’s a shame because I held my own up the Trough and was still on record pace with only a couple hundred more feet of vertical left. A fall would’ve been almost certain death though. No FKT is worth drying for! Ran down after the Keyhole and was slowed by a group of horses (blah!). Still a solid effort and big day for me!
14.5 miles, a little over 3hrs, 5148’ vert.
Here’s a video I shot during the run (never stopped my watch/GPS):

Sandi starting the descent down from the Longs Peak summit a couple weeks earlier…
Mt. Huron (14,003’). Ran/pow hiked up a 14er out by Leadville with Sandi. Beautiful trail and a good variety in the climb. Class 2 like I like it!
3.5 hrs, 9.5 miles, 3543’ vert.

Campin’ out between 14ers
Ran up Mount of the Holy Cross (just outside of Minturn, CO) with Sandi. Another great 14er!
about 4hrs 11.5 miles, 5385’ vert.

On the approach to Mount of the Holy Cross (background summit)

Summit of Mt. Holy Cross. Just over 14,000 by a couple feet!
Weekly Totals:
Mileage: 91 miles
Vert.: 24,708’ (new PR!)
Time: about 22hrs
And now…
Beer Review of the Week:
Avery BEAST Grand Cru [very strong] Ale. This bad-boy was 18% alcohol by volume but very smooth. Hints of dates and plums made this more like a sweet, dessert beer. As part of Avery’s “Demons of Ale” series, I liked this better than the Samaels I reviewed last week. Overall, an amazing and creative brew that would age very well and deserves to be shared with special friends!
Here’s a video review from my YouTube channel:
Next up, I really want to start spending time on the UROC course and continue with some high-mileage, high-vertical/climbing weeks. I’m pumped that UROC has some runnable road/bike path paved sections so I am still doing some road tempo runs as “speedwork.” However, this next week I want to get in some solid (and hard) long run efforts…maybe even some FKT attempts. ..Stay Tuned!
Hope your training is going well!
Train Smart,
Race Hard,
And enjoy the ride!
And Finally: Commercial stuff/Brand/Product Plugs:
As I look for some nutrition bar/gel type sponsors (I already have Flora for omega oils and general health) I wanted to share a couple products that I’ve enjoyed to far. (NOTE: I am not paid or told to plug these companies as none of them sponsor me [yet]. ):
Justin’s Nut Butter: Sandi and I enjoy the maple flavored almond butter in our morning oatmeal, on bread and in little packets taken during long runs!
Kind Bars: Great tasting bars that we take camping and as post-run snacks. Huge variety of flavors from cherry-chocolate to fruits and nuts!
Ugo Bars: A smaller upstart company from the Midwest that makes great-tasting energy bars for some very speedy runners already. A generous serving size as well!
Huma Gel: This gel doesn’t have maltodextrin or brown rice syrup as their first ingredient like many others on the market do. It has real fruit…and even chia seeds for energy! Tastes more like real food. Check out their funny marketing video here:
Category: blog
Curious about your thoughts regarding drinking beer and being vegetarian? As you may already know, many beers use isinglass, which is sourced from the swim bladders of fish. Do you normally avoid those beers or is it a non-issue for you? I don’t know much about Avery, though a quick google shows most of their beers are vegan except the Beast brew you review in the video.
Good luck at UROC!
Hope *your* training is going well. Looks like it is! Best wishes for a good UROC, but whatever the result I hope you’ll leverage all this good work into a great season next year.
Ha! Love your beer review… “it’s a good burn” 🙂 You might even say it’s like the burn you get when running an ultra…a good burn. But holy cow, that’s one strong beer at 18% abv! Hope your training continues to go well for UROC.
Hey mark thanks for the comment! Gross, I had no idea about isinglass…that would concern me a little but it probably wouldn’t be a total deal-breaker because I love beer so much. Gelatin was a deal-breaker though for anything with that in it. I’m aslo still working on cutting back on cheese and other dairy, but I’m not sure if I can give up honey and eggs to become vegan!
Hey thanks for the support! I’ll try my best…after UROC there will be a nice break until TNF50 in Dec. and of course in the winter it’s back to the roads! Best of luck with your training as well.
Ha ha, thanks CJ! I think the dull ache in my legs from all the vertical is a “good” but it doesn’t feel good when I shuffle out the door everyday now! Hope your running and book sales are going well. Cheers!
Good luck at UROC. Tried the Scott Kinabula’s and love them. Got the original color and picked up the new green color. Got to try that beer too.
Hey thanks so much! Great to hear about the SCOTT Kinabalus. I really appreciate the support. Best of luck with your running too!
Hope I wasn’t a buzz kill! Luckily there’s tons of isinglass free beers out there. All the best.
Not at all! I’m glad you mentioned it!